Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A memory of friendship across languages-POEM

I got this message from a friend i made on a trip to Sarajevo, JinWoo.
hope you readers like poetry a little bit.

I have been collecting this poem into several
The important point for me was the meaning which
reflects my own views on the theme of friendship.

That was JinWoo answer:
The poem was really nice. I've translated in to Korean for you.
I hope you like it. 

나는 착하고 강한 친구를 알아요. 그녀는 세상에서 가장 좋은 친구에요.

나는 또 다른 섬세하고 감성적인 친구를 알아요. 그는 확실히 지구상에서 가장 좋은 친구에요
나는 또 다른 조용하고 매력적인 친구를 알아요. 그 같이 좋은 친구는 없어요.
나는 또 다른 수수께끼같고 신비한 친구를 알아요. 그녀는 모든 것 중에 최고에요.
나는 또 다른 현명하고 열정적인 친구를 알아요. 그녀는 다른 애들 중에 최고에요.
나는 또 다른 젊고 빠른 친구를 알아요. 그는 모두에게 사랑 받아요.

나는 더 많은 사람을 알고 그들은 하나같이 다 똑같아요.

Friends: a list  (by G.K. Chesterton -adapted)
I know a friend, very strong and good. 
      She is the best friend in the world.
I know another friend, subtle and sensitive. 
      He is certainly the best friend on earth.
I know another friend: very quiet and charming; 
      there is no friend as good as he.
I know another friend, who is enigmatical and secretive; 
      she is the best of all.
I know yet another: who is sensible and enthusiastic; 
       she is much better than the rest.
I know another, who is young and very quick: 
       the most beloved of all friends.
I know a lot more and they are all like that.

Conozco una amiga que es muy fuerte y buena. Ella es la mejor amiga en el mundo.
    Conozco otro amigo, bueno, bueno. De verdad que es el mejor amigo en la tierra..
    Y otro amigo que conozco es muy tranquilo. No hay otro amigo tan bueno como él.
    Conozco otra que es enigmática y llena de secretos. Ella sí que es la mejor de todos.
    Todavía conozco otra que es verdaderamente simpática. Ella es mucho mejor que el resto.
    Y conozco otro que es joven y muy activo. Es el más amado de todos los amigos.
Claro que también conozco a muchos más y todos son igual que éstos.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Orientant la filosofia europea amb Byung-Chul Han

Byung-Chul Han (Corea del Sud, 1959), supernova de la filosofía europea

Ens visita Barcelona aquesta setmana. Byung-chul  invita a rebelar-se contra el capitalisme digital que en convertix en dades, a la conferencia al CCCB.
Aqust pensador va traslladar.-se a alemania als 27 anys amb uns estudis en metalurgia. Allà va interessar-se per la filosofia i ha conectat amb l'arrel europea amb un peu en el món oriental. Pensador d'èxit des del 2010 ens porta un pessic de saviesa.

Ja ens va visitar el 2015, on va fer estrena del documental «La societat del cansament. Byung-Chul Han a Seül / Berlín» (61’, 2015), d’Isabella Gresser. (Trailer)
Necessitem noves paraules per descriure el món? Encara ens serveixen els conceptes tradicionals de la política per entendre les condicions en què vivim i actuem? Són útils per explicar la multiplicitat de forces, problemes i somnis que conformen la vida col•lectiva?
Tenim 10 apunts de A Lladó:  Resumen,  en la taula redonda Individu i comunitat, en el CCCB, el 9 febrero de 2015

Aprofitem la ressenya de  G. Olesa Sancho per presentar-lo:
A El aroma del tiempo, Byung-Chul Han ens brinda un assaig filosòfic on dedica part de la seva prosa a reflexionar sobre la crisi temporal que ens afecta. Els temes tractats per Han a les seves obres solen ser de màxima actualitat (la relació entre noves tecnologies i societat; la identitat moderna; les tècniques capitalistes i neoliberals del poder, i la biopolítica), i sempre són exposats des d’una vessant filosò- fica i crítica. Al llibre que presentem, escrit l’any 2009 i traduït per l’editorial Herder el 2015, hi inclou una proposta positiva: es pot revertir l’estat actual de la societat. Així,  el temps esdevé un insubstituïble i assenyat mapa de referències, que ens marca l’espai, el temps i el sentit dels nostres passos. El aroma del tiempo condueix cap a una reflexió profunda sobre la importància de la temporalitat en cada època i sobre com ens afecta aquesta dialèctica entre vita activa i vita contemplativa.

La recepció peridodistica ha estat desigual. Destaquem l'entrevista del dia 6/02 a Elperiodico:       El poder seductor
El diagnóstico de Han no es de difícil acceso: el poder en la era digital no es represor, es seductor. Nos invita a opinar, a participar, a exhibir. Pero apretar con el dedito al "me gusta", tan ufanos, es en realidad "una ilusión de libertad". Según el pensador afincado en Berlín, hemos interiorizado la represión del sistema. Cada cual se convierte en "emprendedor de sí mismo" e intenta "optimizarse". Y si no logra un éxito decente, se culpa a sí mismo y se avergüenza.

la del 7/02 a LaVanguardia: Narcisistas y autoexplotados

CODA: article TheGuardian (2015)

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Korean Diaspora- 1_Australia

Australia has experienced sustained population growth for many decades. In 1996 the population was 18.3 million, at the end of 2017 it was close to 27 million. (study)

2_ LOCATION: SNW__Sidney
3_ EDUCATION-preuniversity 
4_ EDUCATION-university


The first wave of Korean migration which took place in 1972–75 was triggered by circumstances largely beyond the domain of Australian authorities. It was during this period that the Republic of Korea (South Korea) began to withdraw its citizens from military and non-military service in the Vietnam War (1954–75). Rather than returning to Korea, many of these Koreans, mostly men, sought work and opportunity in other places, including the Americas, West Germany, the Middle East and South Vietnam.

Korean migrants all over the world draw a well-understood distinction between the 'one-point-five' and second generations. Second generation broadly denotes the local-born children of Korean immigrants. These immigrants comprise the first generation, such as amnesty and container migrants, and were generally adults at their time of arrival.

The 1.5 generation describes those Korean-born who arrived in Australia at a young age, especially with their first-generation migrant parents, and these are popularly characterised as having a reasonably deep appreciation for both the Korean and local cultures and languages, in contrast to the second generation who are stereotyped or lamented as being dismissive of Korean culture and as having relatively limited Korean language proficiency

Although Australia's foremost individual Korean arrivals were mostly to Melbourne, the most sizeable and visible evidence of 'organised community' among Koreans is found indisputably in Sydney. To see data from Victoria (Melbourne, click here)

Social-cohesion report finds satisfaction of immigrants who were from South Korea was on the 60-75%, relatively low comparing with migrant from other countries. The survey showed new arrivals from 2001 to 2015 are optimistic, with just 6 per cent indicating they are 'strongly dissatisfied' or 'dissatisfied'. 76 per cent indicate they are 'satisfied' or 'very satisfied'. 62 per cent of newest arrivals say they are happy in Australia.

The church is central to the migrant experience of most of Koreans. As well as being a place of worship, it is a key site of ethnic identity affirmation and an important point of social contact with other Koreans. Christians make the largest group, with a third of them Catholics. About 30% do not identify with religion denominations.

2_ LOCATION: SNW__Sidney

The Korean community in Sydney first became palpable in the early 1970s. The community has continued to expand in numbers and nature. This is reflected by various structures around which the Korean community in Sydney is organised. Notable organisations include over 150 Korean-language Christian church congregations, multifarious business enterprises, and an established Korean language text and broadcast media which includes both local and imported materials and information.

Several initiatives such as the Korean Society's annual youth forum, the growth of English language ministries within the ethnic Korean churches, the burgeoning voice of Korean overseas students on Sydney's university campuses, and the vibrancy of Sydney's Korean media suggest that the community does share a collective awareness and is prepared to actively engage this awareness.

Eastwood would be our biggest Korean suburb. Besides, Chatswood has several Korean restaurants and shops , so do Ashfield and Campsie.

3_ EDUCATION -pre university:

There were close to 500.000 international students studying on a student visa in Australia in 2015. This represents a 10 per cent increase over 2014 figures. Koreans are about 20.000, with a majority e aged 20-35. Republic of Korea  had larger share of students in vocational education and training (VET) than in higher education.

 K-10. Students aim for foreign education, English skills. Wild geese families and penguin parents

The result is these kids are academically at least two to three years ahead of their peers, but they are often also stressed out and depressed.

Some "wild geese families" want to escape the relentless Korean system; but for most it is about ensuring their children go back to South Korea with a huge educational advantage.

Not that they think the Australian education system is better: they are here purely to improve their English language skills. That is the real currency.
Usually it is the mother who travels with her children to the English-speaking country, leaving the father behind in South Korea to keep working and enable the travel to take place.

The top 3 destination is Australia- these kids are part of the foreign-student-fee-paying bonanza reported in some of the nation's public schools in the last 5 years.

         Check the play: Wild Goose Dreams

 4_ EDUCATION-University

Korean Studies is an interdisciplinary area of research and critical analysis on cultures, societies, philosophical thought and language of the Korean peninsula and its diaspora which complements a number of existing disciplines within social sciences, humanities and sciences. With the rapid economic development of the Republic of Korea (South Korea), and its position as the third biggest trading partner for Western Australia, Korean Studies is an increasingly important area of study that equips students with not only linguistic, but also intercultural competence. Such understanding is required of a successful graduate in the contemporary world where Asia plays an increasingly important part, not only as an economic but also as a cultural power.

Some universities students can do Bachelors level courses for the first two years of their studies and then elect to take Masters level courses in the third and fourth years.

Deakin University is an Australian public university with approximately 53,000 higher education students in 2016. Established in 1974.  Find their English language requirements on its course pages.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

TECH Korean _our 40 days in 2018 - LAS VEGAS (CES) and BCN (MWC)

CES 2018: 

The biggest highlights from the Vegas tech show

Since 1998 has been held in the Las Vegas Convention Center, Nevada.

TOP 1.

 Samsung's Galaxy A8

Source: expertreviews

Samsung, it seems, has wanted to get its phone launches in early. Not only are we getting the Galaxy S9 at MWC this year, the firm has also announced the slightly more mid-range Galaxy A8. Not only is it the first of Samsung's handsets to come equipped with an all-display front, but it should also undercut this year's flagships, too. They key word there is should, because Samsung hasn't announced the price just yet.

OUR pick:

LG Display's 65-inch TV rolls up like wrapping paper

Flexible screens have been popping up at the technology show for the past few years. Although curved televisions haven't taken off, the technology could be put to better use in something like this. 
Any company that uses the technology can decide how to best hide the display when its off. It could be part of a coffee table or hidden in a ceiling. 
LG Display also debuted an 88-inch 8K television with an OLED display. The incredibly high-resolution 8K displays aren't mainstream here yet, and there's a dearth of 8k content to even show on them, but LG Displays is getting ready for the future. 
LG Display showed off an updated version of its "crystal sound" 65-inch prototype, which plays sound directly from the parts of the screen where the events are happening. So you'll hear a person yelling on the left, a car crashing on the right, or a hawk flapping its wings above.

Coming soon:  

BCN___  Galaxy S9 at MWC this year

Leaked Galaxy S9 images claim to be 'most precise' yet

Case-maker 'dbrand' claims to offer 'high quality' look at Samsung flagships

 (The inquirer) THE GALAXY S9 is just a month away from becoming official

According to a leak via Evleaks, pre-orders of the Galaxy S9 will begin just days later on 1 March, and the handset is tipped to start shipping two weeks later on 16 March.